Verification Process
Once you purchase a Digital Certificate, there are four steps you need to take before your Digital Certificate Enrollment Process is successfully completed.
Generating a Public and Private Key - In case you have purchased Web Hosting for the Domain Name from us, you can generate a Public Key and Private Key from your Control Panel itself by entering certain requested information. Alternatively, if you have purchased Web Hosting from another service provider, you would need to get in touch with your Hosting provider to generate a Public Key and Private key.
Note:The moment you receive your Private Key, please make a careful note of it. The Private Key is only known to the owner of the Digital Certificate ensuring security.
Submitting Details to thawte - Next you need to submit certain information to Thawte for verification. This can be done from your Control Panel itself by following the steps given below:
- > Login to your Control Panel and search for the domain name for which you have ordered a Digital Certificate.
- > Upon clicking on the order, you need to click on the Enroll Certificate button.
- > Mention the details requested for verification, and then click on the Enroll button.

After you have enrolled for a Digital Certificate, thawte would contact your Corporate / Technical Contact and request that Contact to provide them with some documentation.

Once you have completed the enrollment process, Thawte would begin quickly verifying the data you have submitted to them and once satisfied, issue you your Digital Certificate. You can continue checking the status of your Digital Certificate request by clicking on the check certificate status in your Control Panel. This process could take anything from a few minutes to a couple of days, depending on the type of certificate purchased.